508.755.2340 TTY: 508.890.5584
Seven Hills Foundation

Early Steps, Big Strides: Helping 孩子们 Learn and Grow

The Seven Hills 早期干预 (EI) Program in Rhode Island provides supports to families with children, birth to three years of age, who are at risk of, or who are currently experiencing, developmental delays. These delays can affect speech, physical abilities and social skills. During this crucial stage of a child’s growth and development, the Seven Hills EI professionals work with families as a team to help them help their children where they learn best: at home and in community settings. 孩子们 may be referred by a parent, 产科医院, 儿科医生, a child care provider—any professional or loved one who has a concern for the child’s development and would like the child to be evaluated.

Seven Hills EI program partners each family with a Service Coordinator who works with a team to assess the child’s development based on medical history, observation of the child performing a daily routine, and learning about the child’s likes, 不喜欢, 成功, 和困难. If the child is eligible for EI, the team will work with the family to develop an Individualized 家庭服务 Plan (IFSP), to develop priorities, 目标和结果.

The Seven Hills professionals make it as convenient as possible for families to schedule their EI visits in the child’s natural environment—at home, in a child care setting, or during a community activity. The family’s multidisciplinary EI team may include educators, 治疗师, 社会工作者, 和营养学家. Parent Consultants (PCs)—parents whose children have been through the EI program—are also available to share resources, 提供支持, and facilitate networking.

Transition -Turning Three

Seven Hills works with Local 教育 Agencies (LEA) and families to start the transition process for eligible children, at 28 months of age, to services provided through the local school district, beginning at age three.


There are no out-of-pocket costs for families receiving 早期干预. Funding is accessed through medical assistance, the state, and private health insurance. 联系 Seven Hills today to see how our team of professionals can help your child make Big Strides.